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Tips and Tricks

I have some awesome tips and tricks for Petz, and I feel like telling the world my Petz secrets!






The first step to taking great petz photos is looking for the special colors in your pet. Does he have ice-blue eyes and white fur? Photograph him against an ice-blue background. Brown patches and brown eyes? Photograph him against something brown. Look for the colors in your petz, and try to find a background that suits him or her.
But I don't have any backgrounds!

Yes, you do. The Playpen has a lot of backgrounds, but if you want cooler ones, go to some of the sites Iisted below. Then go into your Petz files and place them in Resource/Wallpaper. Now when you click on General Options, you'll see the awesome backgrounds you picked in with the other backgrounds!
If you want an easier way to get your backgrounds to show up, make a playscene with the Playscene editor. Save the backgrounds in BITMAP format. When it says bitmap placement, click tile. Just click next throughought the entire things. Make it as simple as possible, no sprites, no interactions, NO MICE unless you want your petz chasing the mice during the photo shoot. You can do that, but it makes it harder.
Next, you go to the Toy Closet (Or the supply Case) and search for toys that go with the backgrounds. If the background is green, choose the leprechaun or the auto- rolling ball. A basket, the stools, and the present box can help . Did you know you can lock petz in the present box? Get out the Christmas lights, if the playscene is hangable, you can stick them on the walls. Did I mention to make your playscene growable. Flowers and gemstones can help add beauty to your pictures.
Below is a weird picture of purple squares on a black background. This is the most wonderful background of all! This works in Petz 4, but I'm not sure about petz 5. When the petz rub up against the purple squares, it smears their reflection and if you go to a custom scene, then go to this, the custom scene shows through the purple spots! Don't believe it? The picture of the two dogs, Sienna and Nauvu, were taken in that playscene.


Pink Shadows

Soup Faerie

Dollie Crave

Are you totally clueless on how to make the petz fall in love, fast? I've got the answers.


1. Introduce the two you plan to mate when they are kittens. Never get one out without the other one. Soon they'll get to know each other very well. They may even fall in love without you haing to do anything! This happened to me twice.  
2. Do not time forward to make them adults. Play with them until they become adults. That way, they'll get to know each other better.
3. Find a playscene with few distractions for them to fall in love at. The Beach is not a good idea. Neither is the Wild West. Better yet, create a playscene and use it entirely for mating.
4. Load up on love gear. All you need are 2 love potions, 2 perfumes, and a music box.  The Heart Pillow and the  LUVZ don't do anything, love-wise.
5. Get out the 2 petz. Turn the music box to a love song. Ok, if the petz keep changing the song to something else, temporarily remove the other songs. Now as they listen, spray them repeatedly with the love potion so they jump.
6. After you think you have sprayed the petz enough, pet them. Both of them. A long time.
7. After that, take away all the toyz so the petz can have their own time together, free of distractions. First the petz will start doing tricks. Then, they'll start licking each other, then they'll make the romantic noises. If they start licking, then go back to doing tricks, repeat steps 5 and 6.
8. When the big heart appears ( I call it a heart error) Take a picture of it!
Put them both away, then forward your computer clock 3 days. Get them back out and see the new baby!